Nigel Watson

Apr 13, 202210 min

On the Edge of Reality

Tony Sandy has been plagued by a lifetime of strange encounters with UFOs and the

paranormal. He is an author living in Scotland, who has written eight books on

linguistics, that analyses English by taking it apart then reassembling it by sound, spelling

and meaning. Plus, he has written two books on each of these subject areas;

philosophical observations, short stories and jokes.

He has a continuing fascination in UFOs, Cryptids, Forteana, etc. He used to be

interested in second world war history and ancient Rome, around the collapse of the

Republic era. His interest in dinosaurs has also declined but he still likes wildlife. Not

surprisingly, he enjoys science fiction like Dr Who, The Prisoner TV series by Patrick

McGoohan, various science fiction authors, plus films like Invasion Of The Body

Snatchers, the original Day The Earth Stood Still, Alien and John Carpenter’s version of

The Thing.

Tony is what UFO researchers term a UFO repeater witness. Timothy Beckley, the late

UFO author and publisher even compiled a book called ‘The UFO Repeaters’ (Inner Light,

2015). He noted:

‘From the very first UFO sighting, it was assumed that a UFO witness was simply in the

"right place at the right time" and that observing another UFO sometime in their life

would be like being struck by lightning more than once.

‘But this concept is now generally thought to be utterly false - for there is a subset of

"very special" individuals who have the uncanny ability to "call down" UFOs at will and

to even take repeated photographs of their craft.’

Timothy wondered if UFO repeaters were chosen because aliens could home-in on them,

either because the person was more psychically in tune with them or because repeaters

have an implanted homing device? Another alternative is that the person has so many

experiences because they are living in a UFO or paranormal ‘hot spot.’

In the case of Tony, his many experiences have occurred in many different localities

throughout the UK, so the hot spot explanation does not apply to him.

Perhaps Tony is just more aware of strange events and experiences around him, that

many of us might just ignore or dismiss with a mundane explanation. Whatever the

answer, Tony has certainly had a wide-range of experiences from UFOs, out-of-the-blue

phone calls to odd dreams and nightmares.

Here he tells us about his extraordinary reality-busting episodes that have permeated his



‘My first UFO encounter was in 1969 when I was a teenager. It was when I was returning

home from school with some school friends. In the clouds I saw a large, needle shaped

craft, floating at an oblique angle between the clouds, over the school itself.

‘My friends, including the form captain and a cousin in the same class as me, walked on

towards the green and the playground swings close by, where I caught up with them after

staring in awe at the ship for at least ten minutes. They didn’t seem to notice it and I

funnily enough didn’t draw attention to it either.

‘Years later I bought a book by John Keel, called “UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse”, which

featured an image in the front of the book of the same vehicle, saying it had been seen


Flying Saucer Encounters

‘Living inThe Highlands and travelling along through the Slochd pass, on the way to

Glasgow, In 2001 saw a white flying saucer above some power lines and as it dropped

below them, it disappeared (I saw the same craft in the same area, again when passing

the same spot on another journey through the area in 2003).

‘In 1993, when I was living with a friend in Evanton, I went for a walk along the Glen Glass

road, where I was offered the chance to meet a Grey and see a scout craft but I chickened


Phone Call from a Guru

‘During a crazy period in my life, I fell in love with this girl in London and during this time

returned home to Diss in Norfolk, where the insanity spread to my parents house,

including a telephone call from Sai Baba, the Indian guru in 1983. Why this was

interesting is that nobody knew in London where I was going or when (didn't have any

friends there and only a brother, whose shared house the girl lived in that I had the affair

with). The neighbor who told me an Indian gentleman was on the phone for me, was my

mother's best friend but how did he know to contact me through her, at that point in time

and despite the fact that even I didn't know her telephone number?

‘This was one of four what I call “special relationships” that I had, involving psychic

events in three of these relationships (the first two were previously diagnosed with

schizophrenia) and the last was very dramatic in the end as well. I would be interested to

know if anything like this happened to others in love relationships (polar opposites as

with electricity) or if it was just me that attracted such phenomena?

Rolling Thing

‘Once when hiking through Garve in the Highlands of Scotland during 1991, I saw this

semi-transparent thing rolling across the road at a railway crossing, which reminded me

of the plastic covering put on armchairs to protect them when being transported. It

crossed the road and disappeared into the hill opposite. This sounds like a Yorkshire

phenomena called Jelly Bones but I have never heard of it occurring this far north.

Jelly Bones are red and white bone-shaped jelly sweets, so far Tony has not found any

reference to it being a Yorkshire phenomena, and cannot remember where he got this

from. One expert I consulted said he was not aware of the name but he conceded it might

relate to an obscure piece of Yorkshire folklore.

Invisible Companion

‘In the same year, I was walking along the road towards Coylumbridge from Aviemore in

the Cairngorms, when I had the distinct impression that something was keeping pace

with me as I made my way along. Years later in Fortean Times magazine I read of

someone, who on the same walk had the same impression as they made their way along

this piece of road. Could it have been another meeting with The Big Grey Man of Ben


Ancient Vision and a Puma

‘While staying in a caravan, overlooking Castle Urquhart on Loch Ness in August 1991, I

started meditating and as I gazed across to the other side of the water, it transformed into

a corrugated shoreline. I was mentally informed that this was in the ancient past and was

to do with the fact that it was on a dramatic fault line, splitting this part of Scotland in half

and was used to siphon off tectonic power from plate movement.

Whilst staying there, my landlady’s dog barked at a black puma like animal above my

caravan and she witnessed it as well (apparently Cannich, a few miles behind the loch is

renowned for sightings and there is a stuffed puma in Inverness museum, allegedly shot

in the area.

Mirror in the Sky

‘In Inverness is a graveyard at Tomnahurich built on the site of what is called a fairy

mound. One day, in 1991, I was in the park area opposite it, when I saw a big rectangle

appear, looking like a gigantic mirror or area of sky. I tried to reason it out as being a

glazier lorry, which is slanted on both sides to create a narrow pointed shape, with

sheets of glass on each side but whether this explains it or not as a reflective surface

has yet to be proved.

Realistic Dreams

‘Recently, in 2021, I had a super real dream that woke me. I suddenly saw to my right

these waves that look like a coiled spring, where strong winds have whipped up an

ordinary but gigantic wave in a storm. I feared I had been cut off by the sea with water

beneath my feet but then realized that I was standing on the sea itself, with water all

around me as if I was in the middle of the ocean. Afterwards it made me think of Christ on

the Sea of Galilee.

‘Incidentally the previous night I had dreamed of standing in about an inch of rainwater

on the road and looking through a drainage grill and thinking that the water beneath was

infinitely deep, like the ocean. I once stayed at a friend's house, who was an alien

abductee claimant, and while there I dreamt that I woke up, flew out of the window, woke

up again and did the same thing at least twice in a row before waking up properly in bed.

This was in 1991.

Nightmares and Dreams

‘Several years ago I had a series of nightmares, involving the subject of the unknown. In

one I was pursued by a Greyhound bus and scrambled down an embankment, to have

the vehicle charge down the slope, with its headlights beaming (I am into flying saucers

in a big way and saw this as a UFO abduction scenario); I woke up screaming.

‘Another involved me being in a 'U' shaped building, with my wife in one wing and me in

another and a corridor between. Suddenly but very slowly the door behind me started to

creep open, revealing nothing but a dark, empty space (yes, you guessed it, I woke


‘A third dream involved me being in my old family home, in the kitchen, when the back

door slowly crept open, revealing nothing again (woke burbling as I was in sleep

paralysis stage and couldn't utter any other sound - in my childhood I had another

instance of this and eventually got out of bed and dozed outside my parents bedroom,

before going back to bed).

‘A fourth dream involved the same scene but I had my old dog with me from the present

time and it warned me that someone was at the front door. Again it crept slowly open to

reveal nothing but darkness. I think the symbolism here is simply fear of the unknown.

When I attended a UFO conference in Leeds in 1998, I mentioned these dreams to the

abduction researcher John Mack.

Out of Darkness

‘These lucid dreams are like when I was King’s Lynn technical college and was given a

swig of scrumpy cider, which was so potent that the only thing I remember from that

night is passing the band playing, when I was on my way to the toilet and it temporarily

bringing me back to consciousness (the noise was so loud that I woke to see them

playing but after that nothing again).

‘It is also like coming out of a dark cinema and into broad daylight. This shock into

higher consciousness includes near death experiences, LSD and other examples of

being pushed outside normal reality I believe.

Bedroom Visitors

‘While living in Cromarty in the Highlands of Scotland in 1998, I witnessed several

bedroom visitors, including a semi-transparent, Pumpkin Headed Grey, floating at an

oblique angle at the bottom of the bedroom.

‘Another night I woke to witness two red-eyed insectoid creatures, which I mentioned on

a website, leading to a UFO investigator contacting me for details and saying that I was

one of several UK residents who had the same experience.

‘One day in the kitchen, my wife saw a tall figure behind me, dressed like a monk. A few

years later in 2003, after we had moved to Thurso, just as I was switching off the

bedroom light, I saw the same figure up against the cupboards as my wife described.

‘During this time, living in Cromarty, I woke to see our dog floating in spirit form near the

ceiling. At a later date I also witnessed one of our other dogs, hiding in the back of the

car, when physically it was with its original owner, previous to our taking possession of it

and after we moved up north to Thurso, where it died, I saw it rushing between the

bedrooms like a mad thing (for years it had suffered badly from arthritis).

A Long Trip

‘We were coming back after a long trip away recently and I kept nodding off to sleep (my

wife was driving). Twice I woke up seeing representations of the dream content - once

from a snow covered roads perspective, disappearing into the distance in reality and it

was the same landscape I caught in the dream. The second was a reclining figure, which

when I opened my eyes was the dashboard and the upright part of the passenger

window. It reminded me of an advert where this sleeping girl’s form became hills.


‘On the 19th of November 2021 at 2.55am, I was woken by the sound of someone tapping

the front door. I rushed downstairs to find the street deserted but suspected local kids,

as they do ring the doorbell and then run off, when we first moved in two years ago.

‘Then on the 22nd of December 2021 at 3.55am I was again woken but this time by the

door bell ringing. Lastly, this month (April 2022) at roughly the same time, again during

the early hours, someone hammered on the door. The thing is that my wife didn't hear

anything and our old dog that sleeps downstairs near the door didn't react to any of

these incidents, which is strange, if it was physically real.

Plastic Pieces

‘Yesterday (03 April 2022), my wife couldn't shut the shower door and it turned out that a

piece of plastic was protruding a few inches out of it. I just thought that the door must

have been slammed back hard and that had caused it somehow. Then this morning I

went to use the Karcher window cleaner, to clean the shower of condensation, only to

find it too had a piece of plastic or rubber pulled out a few inches from its normal


Shocking Experiences

‘I have been having some “shocking” experiences lately (March 2022). If I flex my lower

back, it sends a shock into that region. I even went to kick a ball for a dog the other day

and the acute pain made my leg go all over the place and missed contact with it


‘Then last night (03 April 2022) in the early hours I woke up feeling that I had been

electrocuted. Also the left side of my neck was swollen before that and continues to be,

cramping my ability to turn my head, left (especially), right or tilt it backwards.

‘For years I have had odd bouts of static problems, from the usual shocks from plastic

covered handrails to sparks shooting across to my nose, when pulling off jumpers made

from synthetic materials. I also had twenty years of migraines, which I believe is like

temporal lobe epilepsy, electrical outbursts that knock out the brain and send you into an

altered state of consciousness.

Transparent Spider

‘Other odd incidents in my life have involved a childhood incident of sleep paralysis in

1963, plus seeing a transparent spider crawling slowly across the floor when I lived in

Crookedholm, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Odd Talents

‘Odd talents include being able to turn over my wrist watch at a particular time, like 5.25

and twenty five seconds, which I understand is a curiosity of UFO abductees. I can also

still myself and see other faces superimposed over my own, when I stare into a mirror,

which I believe is called physical mediumship.

Projections of the Mind?

‘Anyway, my conclusion about my own experiences is that it shows a continuum from

the internal world of dreams to the outward manifestations of paranormal phenomena.

Maybe some of this is down to Tibetan tulpas and projections of the mind but not on a

conscious level - I agree with John Keel and others that there is more to all this than nuts

and bolts machines (with the emphasis on ‘nuts’). I think you need a lot of experiences to

gain insights into what is really happening, in order to connect the dots.’

The Nature of Reality

To conclude, Tony makes these remarks about the nature of reality:

‘Reality works in part on the following principle, which is designated as the Accumulation

/ Discharge Cycle (input / output dynamic). This cycle includes everything from sex, the

seasons, the tide and within the body, peristaltic contractions, blood circulation etc. We

could say that as we go through the universe, the universe goes through us and that

things don’t so much change as experiences are exchanged.

‘In mental terms this means we must de-program our minds and re-program them with

new experiences, new ideas instead of stagnating in old prejudices and preconceptions.

By doing this, we move on physically and explore existence again with fresh eyes.’

Nigel Watson