Philip Kinsella

Jan 1520 min

The Gods of Eden

An ET Hypothesis & the Suppression of Truth’

Our Genesis is something of a mystery. While there are two schools of thought surrounding

the evolution of our species, we are still met with a barrage of contradicting data which does

little in the way in us categorically knowing for sure how it all happened. Religion within its

restricted approach believes that a supreme being called God was responsible surrounding the

formation of Man via supernatural means, while science vehemently denies any wonderment

or mystery, and considers that all nature, along with the ‘Human’ and universe is attributed to

a mere, cosmic accident. While religious ideology promotes order, science sticks to the

official narrative encompassing the chaos theory. It seems that it would take nothing less than

organisation, as opposed to disorder, to bring about the subsequent emergence of not only the

hominid, but all life within its spectacular glory, as well as the mysterious universe in which

we dwell. Much of our history, (although steeped in so-called myth and legend) may direct

us to a more coherent picture of Man’s overall creation, along with a warring faction of Gods

not from this world. After all, there’s no smoke without fire, and much of our history has

been buried so deep, only a simplified version is recounted as the official narrative within

both academia and religious ideology. Although most of the scientific establishments will

outwardly reject the hypothesis that we could possibly be a by-product of engineering via

extraterrestrial intelligence, along with the sacred sectors, this idea might not appear as

farfetched as first considered. And in at least speculating just such a hypothesis may connect

some of the dots regarding a species known as the ‘Greys’ which appear prevalent within the

UFO community of today, and not some 250,000 years ago when the cradle of civilisation

was thought to have developed by an altogether different pantheon of so-called Gods; at least

from the viewpoint of eminent scholar, researcher and author, Zecharia Sitchin within his

chronicles surrounding a race of beings known as the Anunnaki.

Throughout history, numerous models of the hominid have been discovered, varying in

height and cranium size, and science continually promotes the idea that we had evolved from

our cousin, the ape, as the Darwin school-of-thought endorses. Yet, how can this explain the

radical remodification in intelligence within the Human which suddenly sprang onto the

scene circa 4000 B.C and 3000 B.C? Surely, nature would have seen to the extinction of our

former cousin, and whichever primate we had allegedly progressed from! Current data

categorically shows that there is no proof that we are a descendant from apes, but it could be

theorised that a primate’s DNA was used and combined with that of an extraterrestrial’s to

create the hybrid of Man – or better known as Adam. The sudden rise of Homo Sapiens

appears totally at odds within our evolutionary model, leading us to suspect that our present-

day species sprang onto the stage of life literally overnight.

Within religious scriptures, Heaven and Earth are referenced continuously, and the overall

theme indicates warring factions between Angels, Demons, a vengeful God, along with

talking animals, miracles, and so forth. Many within the sacred sectors consider that any

recurrence of such dramas referenced within the Bible cannot be repeated in modern times.

However, such supernatural incidences, along with the sighting of UFOs are still as prevalent

in our world today as they had been back then, although we are more inclined to consider

such phenomena with a more intellectual viewpoint in ascertaining just what such

singularities are and where they originate from, and not something accepted as mere miracles

or the work of the Devil. Although supernatural occurrences are labelled in departments such

as the ‘Occult’ or ‘Ufology,’ we know enough to assume that such phenomenon is not as

ethereal as we have been led to believe, and something which science is happy to promote

because these forces cannot be measured or tested in a laboratory. Yet, the facts as they

remain indicates flaws within the genus of Man through the two simplified versions promoted

via varied establishments of so-called knowledge. The origins of the Bible have been subtly

changed over the epochs to enforce a more rigid doctrine, promoting fear and mental

subjugation and, perhaps, a complete turnaround to deliberately cast aside any suggestion that

ETs may have developed the Human, and, thus, allowing such strict models of belief to be

enforced which gives little in the way of mental advancement on our part. Science, on the

other hand, continually denounces such ideas when discovered by researchers, and are happy

to ridicule or destroy the character and work of those persons who dare step over that line

where the judiciously composed blueprint which promotes only the authorised account is

concerned. Of course, we can see this in all aspects of our world, ranging from free energy,

holistic treatments, to name but a few areas which the System we serve has vehemently

overruled in its quest for profit and control over the betterment of our species. Those

nameless, faceless bureaucrats who hide within the shadows are, themselves, guiding us all

into a spiritual cul-de-sac, and one which will eventually destroy the very foundation of

reason; and an area which I firmly believe is their goal. The truth, so they say, is far more

revealing than the foolish and sanitised version we have been led to believe, and blatantly

contradicts the entire narrative the System continually administers.

In more recent times, the secret UFO department of study from those establishments which

remain hidden outside the community’s awareness reveals just how this System we serve can

deceive us. Their most powerful control mechanism,(the media)persistently promotes a false

narrative where the UFO reality is concerned on every outlet at their disposal. Yet, the

admittance recently from the Pentagon that, perhaps they had been wrong all along, and that

UFOs may be an area regarding further study was met with incredulous shock from

researchers within the UFO community. The establishments of power had revealed a truth, it

would seem, and something researchers had been aware of for decades. We mustn’t forget,

either, that the Pentagon had even admitted to analysing material from certain downed

saucers, and most notably the Roswell UFO incident which rocked the world back in 1947.

The acknowledgement of the UFO, (now UAP, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) at the behest

of the military confirmed the authenticity of several videos and images, most notably the

Navy’s famous ‘Tic Tac’ UFO encounter in mid-November 2004 witnessed by pilots and the

crew onboard the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group. The confirmation that such anomalous

activity has been something of great interest to the military core behind closed doors and

away from public scrutiny for decades was now ‘out of the bag,’ so-to-speak. This was

nothing new, contrary to what the establishments of power led the world to believe; that there

had been no previous and serious investigations into the UFO situation, other than a few

departments which had been dubious in nature, and certainly something which did not bode

well with researchers back then. The only reason why the Pentagon was forced to investigate

was simply because of the military filming encounters with UFOs, and which subsequently

started to make the rounds on social media, and by no less than those men and women who’d

been at the heart of such activity. The question of Air Defence being compromised was

paramount within National Security.

Time and again, UFO investigations from such organisations as ‘Project Grudge,’ ‘Project

Sign,’ and ‘Project Blue Book,’ to name but a few, had been designed by the Air Force, (due

to public pressure) to examine and thereby ultimately debunk the UFO problem on a major

scale. People would naturally believe those they look up to in positions of power to tell them

the truth, right? We are aware that as far back as the famous Roswell, New Mexico UFO

crashed disk, complete with alien bodies recovered by members of the Roswell army had

been an area of great contention for the military and, indeed, US government when the

admittance that the army had in their possession a ‘Flying Disk.’ The sudden retraction

within the press, (and in no less than twenty-four hours) led to a furore of wild speculations.

How could the army mistake a UFO for a secret Mogul weather balloon, (and something

which then became the official narrative) one wonders? Those within any military core are,

so we understand, professionally trained men. God help us if they could not identify a mere

weather balloon for that of an actual, structured craft! Crashed weather balloons had been a

regular occurrence back in the day, and something of a common occurrence. Their retrieval

by farmers to the establishments would afford them a small reward for its recovery, so both

sides could clearly identify what they had in their possession. The Roswell UFO had clearly

been something very different, and it was this which prompted a major cover-up of

international proportions. Witnesses were told to keep quiet, and if not, then had been

threatened with their lives. And if this had all been nothing less than a secret, experimental

balloon, the army didn’t even know it existed until the debris had been discovered by sheep

rancher, Mack Brazel. There have been other renowned cases of UFO crashes from across

the world, but you’ll find that a well-orchestrated military clean-up operation sees to the

removal of any hard evidence.

You will also find that the famous ‘Wikipedia’s’ explanation surrounding just about any

subject on the paranormal/UFO topic will have you believe it’s all explainable. Yes, they’ve

got it all worked out for you! However, this deception which lies at the heart of an even

greater and secret establishment of power which is nigh impossible to track is alarming

within its symmetry. The big question is ‘why’ the public are led astray in the first instance

regarding such blatant facts which clearly contradicts the official narrative?

Truth can be dangerous, especially to an already programmed public. The System we serve

now utilises psychological tactics in a silent war. Bullets and road accidents are no longer

needed. The word ‘Conspiracy Theory’ had been allegedly engineered by no less than the

CIA in 1967, and when much of the public did not buy into the events surrounding the

shooting in Dallas, USA of President J. F. Kennedy in 1963; or, at least, the official version

which was portrayed until people started asking the right questions which the System didn’t

like. Not everything in the world is a conspiracy, yet people are suspicious of certain key

events which occur, and something they are eager to explore if they smell a rat! However,

the System will use every means at its disposal in creating no transparency, ostensibly

muddying the waters in a deliberate attempt to pull the wool over our eyes. Conspiracy is an

essential tool for those powers-that-be to throw us off the trail of a scent is detected and

further explored.

What if our genesis as a species is all wrong; that we are, in fact, a combination of the

hominid and alien, and that the continuation of the UFO problem today are clear indications

of this fact, no matter how the System tries to twist our arms?

The Creation of Man

I have always believed that as humans, we are the result of some hybridisation program going

back into the very beginning of our creation, but from beings very similar in form to us and

very different from the famous Greys which dominate the UFO scene in terms of contact on

multiple levels of reality, although our creators had also been reptilian in nature. After all,

did not God, (or correctly, the Gods) fashion us in their image and in their likeness?

Sumerian clay cuneiforms inform us of such Gods which we now consider as extraterrestrials

in shiny vessels approaching the Earth, and that the primitive hominid had been infused with

alien DNA, thus creating Man as a slave-species. Invariably, the model of the human had

gone through varied mutations, until the so-called Gods were pleased with their work. As

humans, we are part earth, (dust) and part alien, (universe). This indicates why we cannot

exist beyond the confines of our planet for any length of time, because as an infusion of the

mammal which had been modified by certain extraterrestrials, our physicality denies us this

right in the long term. Although we are a product from the stars, our corporeal development

is very much linked to terra firma. This, I believe, is where the base of genetic operations

occurred to bring about the model of Man. But we are soul, and which is also a combination

of the conscious universe, whereby such cognizance can remove itself from this world and

into the next upon death, or in temporary cases of remote viewing, astral projection, and so-

forth where our awareness of self can explore alternate dimensions of reality, but which is

still connected like an ever-present stream through to our brain, and thereby locking us into

this province. Ancient Sumerian texts clearly stipulate that we were fashioned by intelligent

beings known as the Anunnaki, and of which themselves occasionally fought with one


The book of Genesis, along with the Hebrew Bible appear to be condensed versions of the

Sumerian writings, giving the public a sanitised, yet brutal contradiction to the actual events

which have been hidden from the public and used to invoke fear and control among the

masses. Although the subject matter is far too complex to address here, it is enough for us to

consider the enormous ramifications that, perhaps, there was no one true God in this sense,

(as a powerful and mighty, ethereal entity) but scientists far ahead of us within their current

technological achievements. This in no way denounces the fact that God does not exist, and

something which I believe we are all a part of in terms of a united consciousness, including

extraterrestrials. Within the creation mythos, we know that Adam and Eve had been brought

onto the scene, and it is my belief, (among many others) that such beings represented the

perfect model after so many attempts by the Anunnaki in creating a new earth-based genus.

As humans, we had been genetically engineered and used as slaves for the Gods of old. It

would make sense for an alien species who founded a temporary headquarters on Earth to

experiment in bringing life to this world. If we had colonised an alien planet, and we had

been few and far between, then I am certain we ourselves would consider just such an option.

The Anunnaki needed help, and this may explain how such a feat was achieved via genetic

manipulation and allowing the hominid to develop, but not as advanced as our creators it

would seem. As humans, we are brilliant, yet flawed in terms of longevity. We do not live

for very long and are ill-equipped to survive in the Earth’s harsh environment without clothes

which protect us from ever-changing climate conditions. Considering that, if we had been the

product of natural selection as promoted by Darwin’s theory of evolution, then it is unlikely

that we would have adapted so unprepared. After all, do we not shy from our very own sun?

As humans, we differ from every other creature, insect, and mammal on this planet. We have

been allowed to advance in all areas of science, technology, agriculture, the arts, cosmology,

and so on, (and knowledge which I believe had been handed down to us from our Overlords).

I seriously doubt that we are the result of an accident, or a man with a beard whipping us up

in no less than six days! It seems incredible that such blatant contradictions which have been

initiated by higher echelons throughout the ages to conceal the truth is still held as fact. I feel

it more acceptable to consider that best-selling author of the ‘Anunnaki Chronicles’, Zecharia

Sitchin, along with many other esteemed researchers who have been shunned within the

scientific establishments, and who are near to the truth concerning Man’s origins. Why, one

wonders, was such knowledge hidden from us? The answer may indicate that when the

Human had developed sufficiently and rebelled against their Gods who left our world, certain

leaders used status and control for their own means, ostensibly re-writing history to create

servitude among the masses, just like our creators from the stars. In retrospect, we are in

‘their’ image and likeness, and they had been flawed through their own battles and need for


It is believed that the Anunnaki had arrived from a planet called Nibiru, which means ‘Planet

of the Crossing’; the Babylonian name for Nibiru was Marduk, and one which eclipses our

solar system every 3,600 years on an elliptical orbit. Although many Cosmologists refute

claims that Marduk exists, it was known nonetheless as ‘The Twelfth Planet,’ which is

illustrated in the Sumerian pictograms, along with the history surrounding the ‘Cradle of

Life.’ It was here where the Anunnaki established Eden, along with the model of Man as we

see Him today, combining their own DNA with those of the ape to mould a slave-species

which would work on their behalf, but one which could not reproduce. Gold was a valuable

commodity to their world, and this is one of the reasons they needed a workforce to mine the

Earth. They shared their knowledge in all areas and came to respect their creation in every

sense of the word, until a rebellion occurred. These hybrids took the weight of huge

workloads off the Overlords while magnificent cities flourished. However, a disagreement

between Enki and Enlil, (two of the chief Overlords who saw to the development of our

species) was brought about through the drastic alterations surrounding their creation, the

Human, and whereby their new genus could now reproduce – an area of great contention for

the Anunnaki leaders, who themselves wanted to see an end to their creation. This came

about by a cataclysm brought on by Nibiru’s gravitational field affecting the Earth, and thus

brought about the famous deluge through a huge shift within vast regions of our world’s

landmass. Noah is thought to have been the only survivor but had been helped by one of the

extraterrestrials in creating an Ark capable of withstanding the destruction and harbouring all

known species, so that they may start over. I would imagine this was some type of gene

bank, and not a vessel to carry physical creatures/animals onboard. It is thought that the

Gods had returned when Man began to flourish again, and in the time of Noah, if only to re-

establish their governance until they left for good, and a lot of this information has been

altered to fit the ‘Official Narrative’ within the Biblical works to cushion such revelations.

There is a theory that the Anunnaki will once again return when the planet of Nibiru’s

elliptical orbit arrives back in our solar system. This is what the churches and System we

serve has feared and would create huge damage to the infrastructure of our species if this

truth was ever revealed. Humanity would see that they’d been conned, big time! The false

doctrines would then collapse. The Anunnaki had made certain that, unlike them, we were

not as well made. Did they foresee a time when the Human would advance within areas of

genetic engineering themselves and alter what they had initially created? And what if they

returned? What would become of us then?

It is clear to see within our make-up that we harbour incredible energy, and something the

System has also tried to suppress. The auric energy-field which permeates beyond the flesh

indicates that our consciousness can exist beyond both time and space. I believe this energy-

grid serves as both memory and our connection to alternate dimensions of reality, the real

life-force which is part of all that is within the universe and beyond. While attached to its

physical counterpart, the aura serves also as a record of all which has been experienced, not

only in multiple lives during the process of reincarnation, but also what is termed life on the

Other Side. After all, it is theorised that our creators allowed us as humans to reproduce. If

the Anunnaki had created Man on Earth, what’s to say they didn’t in other parts of the

universe? Is it possible that the Greys, (and which are entirely different from our system of

reality) had themselves been a by-product of the Anunnaki in the past, but that such beings

had been designed to not procreate with one another, much like their intentions had been with

Man? Such actions may bring about some form of spiritual stagnation, and one which will

not, (so theorised) be looped back into the wheel of creation itself. When the physical Grey

dies, its spark of awareness may not be strong enough to allow it entry into alternate worlds,

because it has not been brought through the correct channel of reproduction. Is it possible

that such Greys, (now in a state of perpetual damnation, and something not attributed by

themselves) have found our light through memory and DNA from their previous ‘Makers,’

discovering that the Human had also been a descendant to the Anunnaki, but one which was

given the spiritual birth-right to evolve beyond death. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why

the System cannot tell the public of this reality, because they have no power or control over

such so-called alien forces, or that they are in collusion with them!

Many consider the Greys as Demons, or Fallen Angels, but we might be wrong within this

assumption. Of course, there are such entities, but I do not feel they are behind the larger

aspects of Ufology. Our right as the Human has always been to question and evolve, and

have we not ourselves considered the bigger question regarding life after death? Our journey

is not limited to one single incarnation as many believe. Within NDE, (Near-death

Experience) research, there is evidence to suggest that we connect to a paradise, perhaps

Eden itself once the body perishes and returns to the ground from whence it came. As in the

nature of our Gods who, themselves, were mighty, strong, warring but also compassionate,

creative and, above all loving, we follow within their traits.

During an alien abduction within our modern times, the Greys, (which I believe had been a

much earlier creation of the Anunnaki and from an entirely different system than that of

Earth’s) have instant access to an abductee’s mind and can thereby scramble their reality.

This is how the Greys hide themselves within the depths of awareness, using the human

psyche as the entry point to their arrival, rather like a Star Gate, albeit a psychic one. Their

base of operations is secret, unlike the Anunnaki who did not fear to mingle with the Human

and worshipped as Gods, until things became unstable. They are master magicians and can

create illusions onboard their so-called UFOs which are also a projection within their

consciousness and a point of reference they use in our space and time, rather like a half-way

house. It is here when they can proceed with human ‘soul extraction’ and whereby the

energies between extraterrestrial and the abductee are matched. During this point, full

interaction is then possible. This is not always the case with other beings which grace the

cosmos, but certainly with a nefarious group of rogue Greys.

The churches in the past have promoted the concept that anything extraterrestrial in nature is

pure evil but isn’t it strange that considering new developments whereby the Pentagon has

indicated there may be a possibility in the ET hypothesis, Pope Benedict XVI had decreed

that he would be more than happy to baptise an alien! This sudden turn-about may have

something to do with evidence now coming to light proposing that such beings do exist, and

that ‘faith’ and ‘control’ wavers when verification is presented. What would the churches say

if Jesus turned out to be an ancient astronaut? How quickly the religious books will change!

There, of course, will be those set within their rigid mindsets and still see such beings as

ungodly, but only when contact has been fully initiated will further understanding move us

away from darkness and into the light of day. As stated, not all extraterrestrials are evil, and I

am only addressing a minority within the ever-increasing knowledge that many more alien

species exist and have been visiting Earth since time immemorial. Could such beings be evil

in nature? Time will tell, but until we as a genus evolve past the barbaric way we treat the

world, as well as ourselves, then such intelligences will view us rather like kids in the

backyard, arguing with one another while playing with matches.

I am in no doubt that, (and seeing as certain Greys operate within higher/lower dimensions of

reality) that individuals here on Earth, (most notably Satanists) have summoned these

spectres to aid their own agenda. As humans, we have the physical and non-physical

elements which are temporarily affixed within this experience on Earth. I think the difficulty

within Ufology are the varied traits the phenomenon presents itself to us. However, and as

we are aware, consciousness exists beyond the material realm, and might well mould into

other forms, and very different from the hypothesised model of Heaven which we understand

as the only other realm available to us upon death.


The Illuminati are one such group who share hidden knowledge in controlling mental

subjugation to the masses, hiding like the magician in the film ‘The Wizard of Oz’ behind a

curtain, until the curtain is drawn back, revealing such characters to be weak when

confronted. This world we live in has always had a cloud of doom and gloom over the

horizon, and no real progress has been initiated for our species to develop beyond the still

stagnant levels of mental enlightenment. New technology which is free and beneficial to our

Earth system is immediately seized if it cannot draw in huge profits to those masters at the

top of the pyramid of control. I fear that the way things are going, the System we serve is

wanting individuality to be removed. The introduction of AI is designed so that our masters

will be able to look through you like a pane of glass. There will be no privacy, no thoughts

which may help rather than hinder our race. In fact, the new state of totalitarian governance

will see us all being nothing less than obedient servants which is not able to think, but merely

obey. This is startling within its symmetry, in the sense that our rights are slowly being

stripped bit by bit. Perhaps such human echelons in power are, themselves, in alliance with

these Greys who have promised them riches and power beyond measure to further their own

agenda, and that we at the lower end of the social spectrum will be mere fodder for such a

nightmarish future. Summoning spirits, as in the case of famous demonologist, Aleister

Crowley, (and many others before and after him) is dangerous grounds, and something I

accept as foolhardy. There have been countless occasions whereby individuals have

beckoned such entities from the ether with very negative intentions, only to find their lives

and, (in most cases) their minds corrupted. When we open doorways to the mind, we must

step cautiously indeed, for there are other forces ready to march inside and take over.

However, that said, it is essential that, as researchers, we look at both sides of the coin.

Religious people condemn those who research the darker realms, but how else are we to

fathom good from evil if we are not able to study both areas? All we are doing is creating an

understanding of what may be at work here. Without exploration and knowledge, we are

completely defenceless to forces which seemingly operate beyond our five senses, and of

which we perceive as the only reality. This, within itself is a fallacy. Our existence here on

Earth is but a mere step to a larger awareness of multiple truths.

There is evidently intent from such Greys who operate under the cover of darkness and seek

abductees to further their own agenda. For decades, the System has always denounced such

activity, when all along they have known the truth to such alien intrusions. They have

systematically lied to us. The news media which works in tandem to their masters promote

the biggest lies this world has ever seen, pushing a false narrative into the minds of millions

to steer consciousness into a more obedient level of acceptance. Trouble is looming, because

sooner or later, such extraterrestrial intelligences will indeed reveal themselves to us in one

way or another, and a radical shift within the way we view life and the universe, as well as

ourselves will come into immediate effect. That is why I believe educating the public to such

phenomenon is essential. This so-called drip-feeding of UFO disclosure does little in the

long run in achieving an understanding that we are not the only inhabitants to grace this, or

any other universe. The trouble is, I feel a lot of folks will be truly horrified that our System

has no control over the phenomenon which can invade our skies at a moment’s notice. This

is alarming, but I guess such entities have no cares as to the way we maintain restricted

airspace from one state to another. Other seemingly unconnected occurrences, (most notably

the cattle mutilations) is a phenomenon which those in power have crushed, so the truth will

never come out, and that’s without acknowledging the human mutilations which must not be

spoken of. Is the System we serve protecting the public from such horrors, and applying

disinformation as a way of pulling the wool over our eyes? Or are they themselves in

collusion with a certain faction of aliens, working together in a grand plan to subjugate the

lower classes, and none other than an ancient force which saw to our arrival on this planet?

The public have been programmed on a very basic level, hoodwinked into the belief that if

something cannot be physically touched in terms of the paranormal, then it isn’t real. And

although the UFO/alien phenomenon is not going away any time soon, drastic new measures

must be brought into the fray in seeing this perplexing singularity in a new light. Revealing

research indicates that such beings, along with their crafts, have more clout as to the way they

infiltrate time, space, along with human perception. There are also indications of there being

more than one race of extraterrestrials as well, and that many of them are here on Earth

already. This I have never doubted. But the big question is, where exactly are they?

Although debates have raged as to such entities operating outside our time/space continuum,

the facts are clear in the sense that they wish to have no dealings with humanity on a united

front. What might this tell us about such actions? That the Human is not to be trusted. For

the large part, people are deceitful and lie, are corrupt, angry, vengeful and appear to have

absolutely no respect for their planet or fellow men. This, toppled with the fact that we are

governed by a System which also lies and has secreted evidence that we are from the stars

and had evolved through the amalgamation of alien DNA is surely the icing on the cake. To

my mind, the System can carry on with their deception until the day UFOs are above every

continent and within every city across the world. Then, and only then, will those

establishments of power be forced to release what they know to the public. Until that time, it

appears we must wait and see what next excuse truth seekers will be told from those who

maintain such secrets. Although many consider the UFO situation to be an impossible

science, I truly believe that it is ‘we’ who must change within our own, negative attitudes

before any progress can be made, and contact established. This may be part of the reason

aliens do not go directly to the leaders of our world, but those of us on the lower spectrum of

society who appear useful to the alien agenda or are open to varied forms of contact, and even

then, the Greys lie to their chosen subjects on varied occasions. Who’s fooling who in this

intricate, cosmic game of chess, one wonders?

There has been the suggestion that the Anunnaki are still monitoring the world through UFO

technology and have maintained links with those persons residing at the top of society. This

could well be a possibility, and if we investigate the Sumerian history, our culture operates in

much the same way as the Gods had taught our ancestors. Do the Anunnaki have alternate

plans for the Human? Are they to complete what they had first set out to do and annihilate

their creation, save from their few human puppets who have reigned supreme and in secret?

The truth regarding our Human genus would, I believe, radically alter our understanding of

both life and the universe. We are NOT alone as has previously been enforced by the media,

and those puppets who control from behind the scenes. But until that time, we must continue

to research and peel away the skin of lies dripped into the minds of billions of souls upon this

Earth by a corrupt force of evil bureaucrats who still hold us all in its shackles. The facts

surrounding our creation as a species would, I believe, topple society, along with those who

serve only to control through fear, corruption and lies. The lies have been enforced to conceal

terrible and amazing truths.

The deceit and propaganda are as clear to many who are now awakening to the dawning of

new knowledge coming to the fore – knowledge that is, however, much older than us and

which is being unearthed for all to see. As the saying goes: ‘Seek and you shall find!’

About the book and the author:

‘Terrestrial Trespassers’ by Philip Kinsella is available from Amazon through Philip

Mantle’s ‘Flying Disk Press.’

Philip Kinsella is the author of numerous UFO/paranormal related books. He has appeared

on national television, documentaries, and also won an award for his dedication to the truth

surrounding the UFO phenomenon.