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FATE Magazine
Oct 10, 2023
Alien Bodies During Apollo 19 & 20 Missions
One of the sources said that they not only examined the bodies but also took the head of one of the bodies with them.

Phillip Mantle
Oct 6, 2023
Mississippi UFOs And Airborne Spiders Webs
The only thing I remember was seeing the globs
getting caught in the limbs of the large pecan tree in the area between our houses.

FATE Magazine
Oct 3, 2023
Black Goat Walks On Its Hind Legs
“A black goat imitating human by walking with hind legs tricks the chicken into the shack.”

FATE Magazine
Sep 29, 2023
Latin American Mothman Sightings
In 2015, in Quilino, Argentina, residents reported a winged humanoid creature roaming the village.

FATE Magazine
Sep 27, 2023
Alien Bodies In Mexico
It remains unclear what these most recent "alien mummies" might be

FATE Magazine
Sep 25, 2023
Archaeologists Find Giant Human Skeletons
These beings are believed to have been the offspring of angels and humans and are known for their colossal size and superhuman abilities.
Sep 21, 2023
Understanding Spirituality as a Paranormal Investigator
We as investigators should be looking at the activity happening in locations with a blank lens free from our own spiritual beliefs.

FATE Magazine
Sep 18, 2023
We Visit Other Dimensions When We Sleep
The tenth dimension is the end all, be all. It is the epitome of what us mortals can concoct in our minds ..

FATE Magazine
Sep 15, 2023
The Hungry Monk
Here is a sneak peek at Issue 739. "I am a hungry young monk who has somehow slipped the bonds of time and suddenly appeared to the vision "

FATE Magazine
Sep 8, 2023
Whose ghosts supposedly haunt McPike Mansion in Alton?
No earthly bodies have lived in the house since 1954—it was long ago condemned—but the site has become a popular destination

FATE Magazine
Sep 6, 2023
Gone Fishing– Calvin Parker
It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that Calvin Parker passed away on August 24 th at 8.15 am. He died peacefully at home.

FATE Magazine
Sep 5, 2023
UFOs And Alien Life Discussed At US Congress
The hearing produced no serious bombshells - nor a confirmation of alien life - but the fact that the witnesses received a major hearing bef

FATE Magazine
Aug 31, 2023
Quarantining With a Ghost
she said aloud, “Don’t turn that back on.”
The next time she entered the room, she found the ceiling light — which she never, ever switches

FATE Magazine
Aug 29, 2023
Man Kicks Alien And It Split Open
This is actually a man-made creature,” Dr. Greer explained, “but it’s not living per se. It has a skin-like covering.

FATE Magazine
Aug 25, 2023
Musk Sends a Clear Message to UFO Buffs
The National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, says that the U.S. government has retrieved a craft of non-human origin.

FATE Magazine
Aug 22, 2023
Lucid dreaming can help us understand consciousness?
“More and more researchers, from many different fields, have started to incorporate lucid dreams in their research,”

FATE Magazine
Aug 15, 2023
CERN and Hidden, Parallel Universes
Many have also reported this same effect or dissonance in their personal lives, whereby a baby’s birthday or sets of event details slightly

FATE Magazine
Aug 11, 2023
Precipitated Spirit Painting
As the medium, one who communicates with spirits, goes into a trance, the sitter, one who requests a spirit painting
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