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Case 004 Selma Mansion

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Phantom Detectives LLC Case 004 Selma Mansion

On June 25, 2021, Phantom Detectives LLC investigated the historic Selma Mansion in Norristown, PA. Selma Mansion is one of the oldest structures in Norristown, Pennsylvania. The mansion sits on the western part of the town and was built by General Andrew Porter in 1794. General Porter was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and helped found the predecessor to the US Marine Corps. In addition, he raised his sons there who had distinguished careers in law/politics. Richard Porter was judge of the 3rd judicial district of Pennsylvania, his second son served as Governor of Pennsylvania, and his third son was the Governor of Michigan Territory. Horace Porter served in the Civil War. Horace was General Porter's grandson.

Phantom Detectives booked their investigation through Bill Freeman of the Norristown Preservation story three weeks prior to the investigation. Team founder Joshua Chaires invited Psychic Medium Melissa Ferrazzano to bring her skills to the team talent pool. Ferrazzano studied advanced mediumship under her mentor Cindy Kaza from The Holzer Files, various healing modalities, shamanic healing, and more. Prior to the investigation Ferrazzano felt the mansion was connected to President Lincoln somehow. She was having visions of a woman who would shop outside of Philadelphia during the 1800s. Upon receiving these visions, the team arrived at the mansion around 6:30 PM EST. As soon as the team entered Melissa Ferrazzano was feeling the presence of a servant woman named Martha. Martha was very welcoming and eager to speak to the team. As 7:00 PM rolled around the team began its baseline investigation. Rick, Sasha, and Melissa walked through various rooms of the mansion doing EMF sweeps. In the piano room Ferrazzano was feeling the presence of an older woman with grey hair. This woman was wearing a Victorian style dress. Before the baseline investigation concluded the team captured a thermal image of a woman wearing a dress in the kitchen area. Guest investigator Ash Yeager who was a friend of Bill Freemans joined the team for the evening. She was very knowledgeable about where the paranormal activity was located in the mansion.

Around 8:00 PM EST the team moved their investigation to the upstairs doll room while team founder Joshua Chaires manned the DVR system. During this time the team’s rem pod would go off in the piano room, and when Chaires would check up on it the noise stopped. Right around this time Rick, Melissa, and Sasha all had numerous pieces of equipment going off. From Rick’s rem pod bear, Chaires Mel Meter Emf spikes were going up, and Zahorcak’s k2 meter was lighting up. It seems the mansion is very active on the third floor. Later, in the night the team moved to the piano room and captured a shadow figure near the piano. The team felt very uncomfortable during the basement part of the investigation. They felt as if they were being watched. During this time the DVR camera captured a black mass near the chairs in the basement. As the night progressed the boyfriend of guest investigator Ash Yeager reported seeing a man on the third floor as he came to pick up his girlfriend. The team wasn’t anywhere near the third floor during this time. After guest investigator Ash Yeager, team founder Joshua Chaires joined the team for the rest of the evening.

On the third floor the team decided to keep clear of one part of the third floor as they felt the older man on the third floor who was protecting the children didn’t want them there. Right after this time tech manager Rick Warner left for the evening. During this time the team ran the PSB7 ghost box into a portal box. Several spirit voices came up and revealed themselves to be children who passed away on the property. As the night continued the team concluded their investigation by running the SLS camera in different rooms of the mansion. They captured a few images in the kitchen area where the servant lady seen was eager to greet them.

In conclusion it seems that Selma Mansion in Norristown, PA is very active on all levels of it. With its long history there are many teams that have investigated its walls over the years and have captured numerous pieces of evidence. The spirits within its walls seem to want to welcome visitors daily. Phantom Detectives LLC hopes to eventually go back there in the future. For now, they will continue to keep in touch with manager Bill Freeman on the activity there and monitor things daily. The connection to Lincoln that Ferrazzano was picking up on was through General Andrew Porter. General Porter was the great grandfather of Mary Todd Lincoln.


Joshua Chaires is a paranormal investigator, writer, researcher, musician, and publicist.

Chaires is a 2008 graduate of West Chester University and a future graduate student majoring in Business Administration.

Chaires co-founded the Summerwind Restoration Society.

In August of 2020 Chaires founded the Phantom Detectives to help people who were going through paranormal experiences.

Using the Paranormal Research Society blue-print Chaires is hoping to build a team of renowned paranormal investigators and is dedicated to helping people that are going through these experiences. Chaires has investigated the Sanderson Museum, Selma Mansion, Mill of Anselma, White Chimneys, The General Wayne Inn, Fort Mifflin, Pennhurst, Smyrna Museum in De, Paoli Battlefield, Gettysburg, Chadds Ford Historical Society, and many other locations. On May 21, 2021 Joshua's future LLC company purchased the rights to the late Art Bell's former affiliate directors news program Dark Matter News.


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