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Gold Hill Hotel Miner's Cabin "I'll Be Going Soon"

By Anthony P. Anderson

We have all speculated what would happen the moment that we die. Would we see our own body and watch ourselves pass away? Would we remain in this world briefly, before moving to somewhere else or would we be able to visit loved ones? Whether its to deliver an urgent last message or merely the last chance to give a fond, silent goodbye, we still can't fully understand how things transpire when our time is up. While spending a relaxing and interesting weekend in Virginia City, Nevada, located on the old Comstock we booked ourselves (may friend Jackie and I) into a room called "The Miner's Cabin", located behind the original, older hotel in the parking lot. The Goldhill Hotel, built in 1861 and has been a boarding house, residence and even a brothel! The Miner's Cabin, in its heyday was an active working shelter for miners who spent brutal hours underground in a the Yellow-Jacket mine, located just outside the door. A terrible mining fire accident in 1869 trapped and killer 37 miners. Needless to say, the cabin has its own stories to tell and ghostly sightings to back it up. We had checked into the hotel and drove around back in front of the Miner's Cabin so we could bring our luggage inside. It was bright, warm and sunny, against a deep blue sky. Jackie took the key to the cabin and walked around the back (where the actual entrance is beside the mine where a bee colony had taken up homestead). I stayed behind to start removing the luggage out of the back of the car. Jackie had unlocked and entered the cabin, spilling in bright sunlight. The cabin itself is a long, making up 2 rooms connected by a long hallway. Off the hallway is a small kitchenette and a shower stall and further down, a restroom. Jackie made her way through the cabin to the restroom. It wasn't long until she began to hear some stirring sound coming from the lower bedroom (right outside the door). She finished and stepped into the back bedroom.

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