Despite what paranormal television shows portray, most hauntings are subtle. You could have a ghost nearby and not know it. Here are 10 signs of a haunting you might not be aware of.
Bad Luck – Have you recently had a string of bad luck happen to you? It feels as though nothing is going right. Appliances seem to keep breaking and your cell phone keeps losing all its contacts? Tech-savvy ghosts are capable of bringing bad luck to our lives.
Odd Smells – Ever smell something in your house that doesn’t make sense, like the aroma of baking bread, floral perfume or cigar smoke? These are signs ghosts sometimes give us to alert us of their presence. The ability to detect ghosts by scent is called clairalience. It is a mediumistic ability that not everybody possesses.
Missing Items – Do you feel like you’re always looking for misplaced items? Ghosts often play a spectral game of hide-and-seek with their living room-mates. An item will go missing, only to turn up in an unusual place. People often blame this on a lack of sleep or a busy schedule, when in fact, it has a vastly different explanation.
Frequent Nightmares – If you are plagued with frequent nightmares that have a different texture from your normal dreams, you might look deeper for the cause. Blame it on the pepperoni pizza you ate before bedtime, but it could be an entity trying to rouse you from sleep.
Exhaustion – Ghosts need energy and they often pull it from the living. Paranormal investigators frequently discover the batteries on their equipment draining at haunted locations and feel exhausted after an investigation. Ghosts will pull energy where they can find it.A typical sign that a ghost is using your energy is the sensation of vibration. When they pull energy from us, sometimes their vibrational rate is different from ours, giving us the feeling that we are vibrating from the inside out.
Strange Photos – When you upload your pictures from your camera or cell phone, do you ever find strange streaks of lights in the photos? Ghosts typically don’t show up in pictures like we expect them to. Often, they appear as streaks of light or strange unexplained mists.
Odd Pet Behavior – When your cat or dog watches something moving around the room, don’t immediately brush it off as being an insect. Pet’s vision differs from ours, allowing them to see a broader spectrum of light. They might be seeing something paranormal that you can’t see yourself.
Frequent Ear Ringing – Do your ears ring at strange times? While this could be due to a medical condition called tinnitus, it’s also a mediumistic ability called clairaudience. People with this ability will often hear a tone that is similar to ear ringing. The next time it happens, turn your head to see if you can localize the sound. Is it moving around the room, growing fainter as it gets further away? If it is, chances are you’re hearing a ghost.
Unexplained Nausea – Some people get physically ill when a ghost is present. The sensation is typically presented as a sudden upset stomach and the feeling you are close to vomiting. Try leaving the room and see if the feeling abates. If it does, you might be physically reacting to the presence of a ghost.
Feeling Watched – Do you ever get the feeling like someone is watching you? You turn, but find nobody else in the room. This is a frequent sign of a haunting. The sensation is usually unnerving, at best. Try moving from the room to see if the sensation goes away.
If you’ve experienced any of these behaviors on a regular basis, it might be time to do a little research into the history of your house. While not all ghosts are malevolent, as they are portrayed in paranormal television shows, they can’t always hide from us. If you think your house is haunted, reach out to a psychic medium or Shaman to help you do a house cleansing to clear your house of spiritual energy.
Original post by Joni Mayhan can be found here:https://jonimayhan.com/2015/04/21/ten-signs-a-ghost-is-nearby-and-you-dont-know-it/