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The location known as ‘The Meadow’ is in the Southern States of the USA. Its location
has been kept a secret by me and my colleagues at ASOG in order to preserve it and
keep it as pristine as ever and protect it from the casual paranormal investigator. It is a
location where a great deal of paranormal activity has taken place and has been
witnessed and recorded by me and my colleagues.
October in XXXXXXX can be pretty cool, and this outing in the latter part of 2021 was
no different; members of the Anomalous Studies & Observation Group (ASOG) bundled
up against the chill. They hiked to investigate a remote, green open area just a few
miles from and very similar to the infamous MEADOW, which was home to so many
extraordinary incidents of high strangeness. Keith, Kristen, Jessica and two guest
researchers concealed themselves in the tree line at this new location; their high-tech
equipment scanned for thermal energy and electro-magnetic changes, and radiation
spikes. The general region around ‘The Meadow’ has been a known hotspot for odd
phenomena for generations; we were hoping that this would remain the case. The
ASOG team saw several wandering lights and orb-like objects in the distance. This
location was just 300 meters from where Trey Hudson and a friend had encountered a
strange figure moving silently along an isolated trail, casting a spectral light before it
(see Chapter Two, Part III of the “Meadow Project: Explorations into the South’s
Skinwalker Ranch”). The cold quiet was shattered by Jessica jumping up from her field
chair and exclaiming, “Something just grabbed me!”
Hotspots for extreme weirdness worldwide are noted not only for the uncanny and