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The Rendlesham Enigma & An Experiment in Consciousness

Philip Kinsella

Anyone remotely interested within ufology will know of the 1980 Rendlesham UFO incident in Suffolk and which is considered England’s Roswell. This case has been meticulously studied, and arguments still rage as to what members of the American military stationed at the joint British-American air base RAF Woodbridge/RAF Bentwaters over three nights during the Christmas period had witnessed, although it is blatantly clear some unearthly phenomenon had presented itself to all those involved, contrary to what others have speculated in trying to suggest a rational explanation. More to the point, much of the public are equally unaware of the strange anomalous activity, (whether UFO related or paranormal) within the immediate area owned by the forestry commission before and well after the military’s encounter with apparent UFOs which made Suffolk so famous.

I would never have dreamt that, in some small way, I would eventually write a book based around the mystery of Rendlesham and link up with one of the co-authors to the very first volume on the phenomenon, Brenda Butler. Brenda, along with Dot Street and renowned ufologist/author, Jenny Randles released their findings which centred around the UFOs witnessed by Colonel Charles Halt, Jim Penniston, John Burroughs, along with many other military personnel in ‘Sky Crash: A Cosmic Conspiracy’ and published by Neville Spearman Ltd back in 1984. Since that time, many other books and documentaries have surfaced regarding England’s Roswell, and I had been reluctant to add to the wealth of controversy, but my own personal experiences and investigations into the forest set a deep need inside for me to try and work out why Suffolk appeared to be a UFO/paranormal hotspot, like varied other locations around the world. Little was I to realise that I would be introduced to a whole plethora of truly incredible encounters/experiences.

This had, of course, been due to a meeting with my now good friend, Peter Robbins back in late 1997 when he’d been promoting his new book whilst attending a UFO group I belonged to here in England. He’d told me within the duration of a break and privately, along with my identical twin brother, Ronald and good friend, Susan that we had to go to the forest and see for ourselves the truly extraordinary events which were apparently still occurring there. We had to take the challenge and immediately set out to investigate the claims Peter had informed us about. There was also a sense of serendipity about all of this. When the story regarding the American military encountering a UFO near the base of Bentwaters broke in ‘The Guardian’ on the 25th January 1985, I remember as a young lad reading the headlines, absolutely fascinated that aliens had infiltrated an American military base.

Susan, Ronald, and I had ventured into the forest as advised by Peter on countless occasions, most of which afforded us the witnessing of strange orbs coming out of the ground, hot stones being thrown down from the sky in broad daylight, along with the appearance of military helicopters which, on many occasions throughout our night vigils, hung low above the forest trees to flush us out for some peculiar reason. There had even been a disturbing incident whereby someone, (or thing) had left a fresh, dead rabbit and a rat on our blanket which we used to sit on during our night vigils. Yet, the best was yet to come within our research surrounding this highly controversial locale.

Susan, Ronald, along with myself decided to try an experiment and see whether we could summon a UFO. Sounds crazy, but that’s exactly what we did. I got the idea after hearing Karen Carpenter’s song, ‘Calling Occupants’ on the radio. Was ‘Calling Occupants’ via the mind possible? Because I had been involved with a lot of paranormal research and experimentation, we decided to give it a go. After all, we had nothing to lose. We set a date for another visit to the forest. This would be the 8th June 1998. A week prior to the planned journey, we set up a small circle at home and meditated. For many years, I knew of the application in the deceased being able to communicate through mediums, and I also knew that these so-called ‘aliens’ perhaps operated within higher states of dimensional awareness. I was open-minded enough to consider that humans are not the only life forms to grace this puzzling universe, or multi-verses, for that matter. Consciousness, I felt, was the key to much of what has been and still is occurring on multiple levels of reality. Our meditation session lasted roughly twenty-five minutes, or so. No psychic impressions were felt, but we did sense that our thoughts had been received. It was more of a feeling than anything, but we couldn’t be sure.

On the 8th June we set out on the two-hour journey from Bedford to Suffolk, sandwiches and flasks of coffee made to get us through the long night. The weather was beautiful and clear. On each visit to the forest, we always made sure we got there around 2 pm in the afternoon to set up base and enjoy the tranquillity before the dark set in. Our usual routine was to park the car in the space which led down towards East Gate. In the opposite direction lay the forest. This had been the area where Penniston and Burroughs had seen the lights back in 1980 and which led to the drama which soon followed. We walked the long distance into the forest and passed what Brenda Butler had called the Godzilla tree. This was merely a tree in the shape of the fictitious Japanese monster which served as our half-way mark to the place that we frequented while making our observations. Our main objective was to set ourselves up on the perimeter of the forest which looked out upon a huge field where Green Farm was located, and within the region of Capel Green. I felt certain that if any form of contact were to be established, it would be here.

At around 9.30 pm, and under a full moon and stars, I took myself out into the farmer’s field with a pair of dowsing rods. Both Ronald and Susan remained within the edge of the forest to ensure that, should the farmer be watching through binoculars, then I could make a hasty retreat into the forest. After all, he was renowned for chasing strangers off his land due to visitors’ interest in the 1980 UFO occurrence, and rightfully so! After all, we were trespassing. Susan kept an eye out using her binoculars, just to make certain. Yet, we were determined to execute our experiment and we felt certain we had to be in the field. I noticed there were two parts to the area. To our left was rich crop, and to the right was mostly dry dirt covered in thick, tall grass. My dowsing rods began to react when I’d moved further out into the field and within the patchy area of land, and I felt certain this was where we were to sit and meditate. I called over to Ronald and Susan, and they duly crept over to where we now sat in a small circle. We cleared our minds and sent out the request which we had done back in Bedford a week ago, asking that ‘they’ show themselves to us. We had brought ‘no’ recording equipment, and something which had also been agreed on a mental level.

After roughly twenty minutes, or so, we stood up, looking around and discussing how we’d felt. We each reported pretty much what we’d experienced back home – that we’d somehow been ‘heard,’ if that makes any sense? It was at 10.07 pm when we noticed a red light, and which seemed to be coming from the farmer’s house. We thought, at first, that the old boy had spotted us, got in his car, and was heading our way across the field to get us off his land. As we hurried back into the forest, I suddenly stopped in my tracks. Firstly, a vehicle’s lights are not red. There had been no sound of a car’s engine or motorbike, for that matter. We turned back and resumed our original position. The light seemed to be spinning and appeared to be coming towards us. From our vantage point, it may have been no bigger than a football. Incredulous, we all observed this strange object before the luminosity shot with great speed across the field towards the north, before disappearing. During this point, we had all been amazed and spoke excitedly about what had just occurred. Using our binoculars, we scanned the area to see if the object would make another appearance, hoping that the light would show itself to us again.

At exactly 10.15 pm, something incredible happened. A bright, white light flashed above several of the tall trees to the north. Its radiance had been so intense; it caught our attention immediately. There, and seemingly floating effortlessly above the trees now hung an object which defied logic. Stunned, we each watched as this strange device started to rotate. It was in the shape of a perfect pyramid which began to glow, spewing out golden colours from within the core of its structure. There had been a small gap directly under the base of the pyramid, and a circular undercarriage with a bank of blue lights was present and rotating in the opposite direction from the main body of the craft. Like some witch’s hat, but where the rim was separate from the base of the pyramid and which appeared as a separate device altogether, (but also being one of the same) the two parts began to rotate in opposite directions to one another. The mechanism didn’t move up or down, left or right, it just hung there like some ornate decoration. I knew that it had been a machine of sorts, but one which defied gravity. There came no sound whatsoever. I remember feeling awed and shocked. This was real!

Speechless and stunned, my mind became an inferno of revelation. I did the only thing I felt necessary, and that was to run towards the object. It hadn’t occurred to me that I might be in danger. During this point, I didn’t care. To my mind, this was a revelation, and one in which I needed to connect with. As I ran towards the floating machine, now entering that part of the field where tall crop grew, I felt my jeans becoming soaked. I never once let my focus wane from the object which continued to majestically rotate, seemingly taunting its witnesses like some child caught in a magician’s spell. This, to my mind, was the Holy Grail of revelation within the annuals of ufology. I had been searching for this all my life and it was here, right in front of our very eyes. I remember frantically calling back to both Susan and Ronnie who were in pursuit behind me, shouting out to confirm that what we were seeing was indeed a pyramid, and that it had a circular appendage beneath its structure. I just wanted them to verify that we were each seeing the same thing.

I got closer. Like some half-crazed hominid, all I wanted was to reach out to this thing and connect with it. There had been no psychic impressions or thoughts from the object whatsoever, and I must make that clear. As I got closer to the large tree where the object hung, I could clearly see its undercarriage. It had been huge! I tripped, fell, and took in a mouthful of dirt. Like someone turning off a light, the craft disappeared – gone!

I got up and cried, then laughed, then laughed and cried. Both Ronnie and Susan came over to where I’d stumbled, and each of us searched above. Nothing! Incredulous, we hung around for an hour to see if the object would return before collecting our things from our small camp and making our trek back to the car. On the drive back, we excitedly talked about the whole event. I had never felt so stunned and shocked by the events that had transpired. We considered whether the red light we had seen before the appearance of the triangular craft was one of the same. Unfortunately, that was something we’d never know.

It was also at Rendlesham where I met Brenda Butler, and since then she has shared with me a great number of her experiences, especially with a Reptilian man who infiltrated top members within the UFO community, and someone I am sure we had met years before. We decided to co-author a book together, and the result was ‘Sky Crash Throughout Time.’

Since the UFO phenomenon came largely to the public’s attention back in 1947 due to an alleged crashing of a craft, along with bodies of unknown origin in the region of Roswell, New Mexico, we appear to have come no closer in truly establishing what we are up against in terms of understanding. From the moment this monumental event occurred, a conspiracy of silence ensued, warranting those members of the public curious enough to begin their own line of enquiry to be side-tracked into the belief that UFOs and aliens do not exist. Such incidents were, (and still are to this very day) to be labelled as mere delusion, mistaken identity or, worse, lies. We must remember that the ‘System’ we serve needs a conspiracy to shield its own hidden agenda.

It would appear that our very own governments and, indeed, military elite have been tight-lipped when any new information comes to light concerning UFO sightings, and something which would categorically prove that we are not the only intelligent inhabitants in a seemingly vast cosmos. However, that said, such singularity represents much more than just your average nuts-and-bolts construct which has fuelled the imagination of millions, and something which also exhibits levels of high strangeness of staggering proportions. New progress in terms of research from ardent investigators the world-over, (and nearly all of whom work solely from the lining of their own pockets) indicates that we may be dealing with a ‘force’ which removes itself from any current human, scientific perception of reality. Now, and even more puzzling is the new acronym UAP, (Unidentified Ariel Phenomena) which has now been crowned as the downplaying of a truly bizarre subject. The title UFO, (Unidentified Flying Object) gives reference that we, perhaps, are dealing with space beings rather than mere atmospheric anomalies. Strangely, the UAP designate creates a much more natural approach to the subject; and something we, at present, still know next to nothing about. However, there is one sure fact; the UFO/UAP marvel is much more than natural phenomenon which many within the scientific community are willing to promote as the official narrative. Yet, why the silence? Why are those powers-that-be so frightened in acknowledging that such phenomenon is right on our doorstep, as opposed to millions of light years away from planet Earth? This may give rise to an understanding that all is not what it seems, and that such unknown ‘forces’ which continually penetrates our airspace daily is so ‘alien’ to us, the system in which we serve is resolute within its silence for fear of public panic.

This is where my own research has led me, and although I embrace all thoughts on the matter, I feel we need to step outside our comfort zone when addressing affairs surrounding the UFO field of investigations. There are numerous key points which seriously needs to be addressed, and something the ‘System’ we serve has been at pains to conceal. The old-school of thought has been brought into question time and again, yet the powers-that-be are resolute within their own dogmas to maintain both power and control over us all. It appears that human consciousness has been hijacked and a deliberate intent to promote a somewhat stagnant version of events which threatens the authorised adaptation which appears much easier for the population at large to deal with, (or so those in governance believe). Although the subject of alien interaction, (for example) is another argument entirely, we can nevertheless see traits of just how our system deals with anything threatening the comfortable model they have promoted by segregating such anomalies into varied, questionable boxes, and whereby they eventually become nothing less than myth and legends over time, much like the UFO topic of investigations which we are addressing here. Such anomalies are, of course, open to debate, but any evidence which would categorically prove beyond any shadow of doubt as to its authenticity is immediately buried. The UFO phenomenon is like chasing shadows, and something the authorities are very much aware of – hence the lack of overall ‘physical’ proof we have all been seeking. What does this indicate? Can we all be deluded by a phenomenon which continually casts its shadows across walls like ghosts in the glare of the moonlight, only to disappear, completely?

Rendlesham is by no means the only mystery. Such anomalies appear universal, and we, I feel, may have to think outside the box and into uncomfortable territory to get our heads around this most perplexing anonymous force which constantly alludes researchers the world over. I feel that we may be up against an intelligence which knows our minds better than we do and are able to temporarily arrest those ‘they’ appear to. There is an interdimensional, (or, indeed, hyper-dimensional) link here, and an area which we as a human race have yet to truly understand. One thing is for sure, Rendlesham may open up a new understating in terms of the interdimensional hypothesis, and something which makes much sense to me as a researcher, among many others. However, I was honoured to work on ‘Sky Crash Throughout Time,’ if only to address those other cases not mentioned within the media circuit. UFOs/UAPs are a reality in every sense of the word, but I believe we may soon be changing this acronym once again in the decades to come!

About the author:

Philip Kinsella is the author of several UFO and spiritual books and has written countless articles surrounding UFOs, consciousness and the afterlife. He began his investigations after an alien abduction he’d experienced back in the winter of 1989 and has spent the rest of his years exploring alternate theories surrounding both UFOs and alien contact, as well as psychic phenomenon. In 1996, Philip had published an article in ‘Alien Encounters’ which had been considered within its theoretical application. This had been entitled ‘Spirits in a Material World’ and something which had created some controversy with regards to his theoretical assumptions surrounding what a certain faction of the Greys may represent. He has lectured on the subject and has appeared on national television. Philip also co-hosts a radio program ran by the Paranormal UK Radio Network called ‘Twin Souls.’ He lives in Bedfordshire, England.

The new book ‘SKY CRASH – THROUGHOUT TIME’ by Philip Kinsella and Brenda Butler will be published by FLYING DISK PRESS on November 1st.


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