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Ed Canfield
Jul 31, 2023
Flying Saucers Over Hollywood!
Criswell prognosticated the future with a six-page article titled “Criswell Predicts for 1949” in the winter issue of Fate.

FATE Magazine
Jul 19, 2023
Richard Sharpe Shaver 1907-1975 Weird and Wonderful Art
Richard Shaver was an autodidact who had become familiar with history, mythology, and science through a lifetime of copious reading.

FATE Magazine
Jul 12, 2023
Tesla's Shadow Over Siberia
Did you know that in 1908 in Siberia, one of the most catastrophic, mind-blowing (and mysterious) cosmic impact catastrophes ever ?

FATE Magazine
Jul 7, 2023
A powerful lamp, bored through the darkness and struck the active surface,” which could detect the smallest particle. These particles would

FATE Magazine
Jul 3, 2023
No proof of aliens yet, Pentagon official says.
Half of the reports of “unidentified aerial phenomena” have been prioritized for further review ..

FATE Magazine
Jun 27, 2023
How to Connect With Loved Ones After They Die
My mom might not literally haunt us, but she has visited my youngest sister Kathryn..

FATE Magazine
Jun 22, 2023
The Schirmer Abduction 40 Years Later
Their skin was a gray-white. Their heads were thin and longer than a human head...

FATE Magazine
Jun 20, 2023
Las Vegas Residents Claim To See Aliens
One of my partners said they saw something fall out of the sky, too,” the officer said.

FATE Magazine
Jun 13, 2023
The 1941 Cape Girardeau UFO Crash
This case ends like many others but appears by all indications to be authentic.

Rosemary Guiley
Jun 11, 2023
Can A Reptile Get An Even Break Here?
Rhodes said he has yet to have his own personal encounter with a reptoid. “I’m still waiting net in one hand and camera in the other,”

FATE Magazine
Jun 2, 2023
The Legend Of Indrid Cold
His obsession with it cost him his job and his wife, and according to Keel who visited him a year later...

Maryanne Keyhoe
May 31, 2023
Are You An Incarnated Rebel Angel?
The idea of “fallen angels” is an ancient one. This archetypal tale is recounted in many and varied religious texts.

FATE Magazine
May 25, 2023
Famous Ghost Photos
Here is a round-up of famous "ghost" photos. Some have been faked no doubt, but they look so good on first inspection they could definitely

FATE Magazine
May 23, 2023
Video Exists Of Alien From 1996 Brazil UFO Incident
“What caught my attention was the foot,” he said.
“It was like this [V-shaped] — practically two fingers....

FATE Magazine
May 17, 2023
UFOs Survive Volcanoes In Mexico and more
UFO sightings are caught by multiple webcams monitoring the Popocatepetl and Colima volcanoes.

FATE Magazine
May 12, 2023
Parallel Dimensions and Bleed Throughs
I am beginning to get solid evidence of the forms of other worlds. As my own track record grows, and I identify more clearly with ....

FATE Magazine
May 8, 2023
Rainbow Body Tradition
20th and 21st-century documentation show that this is no myth or legend — practitioners, from the highest lamas to the most humble laypeople

FATE Magazine
May 3, 2023
Japan’s ‘Bigfoot’
The beast was around 1.6 meters tall, with a gorilla-like body and a face shaped like an inverted triangle.
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