Eugene M. Dangelo, Ph. D.
As a seventeen-year-old senior in my Catholic high school’s Anthropology class, I received a
rather profound rebuke by my teacher, a well-meaning nun, for daring to write a term paper
about the contents of Erich von Daniken’s popular treatise, “Chariots of the Gods.” I wondered
why I was being confronted about this paper. It was explained to me that to consider an
alternative to the Church’s position about our origins was tantamount to heresy, flying in the face of our faith.
It was at that early age, that I then began to question the presumed “infallibility” of
religious pronouncements and traditions, as well as those put forth by “established” science, and
certainly those of governmental entities, any of which may be motivated by their own tacit
To this day, there appear to be well-orchestrated efforts by religious, scientific, and
governmental entities to seriously undermine any attempts to lend credence to proposed
alternatives to the traditionally accepted origins of humanity. A main focus is that the
philosophical primacy of homo sapiens as the dominant species of this planet, or for that matter, the “created” universe, be preserved and maintained. One need only examine human history to see how and why this has occurred.
Since the dawn of written (and even pictorial) language, various civilizations have recorded
what they considered to be the true stories of their beginnings. These civilizations, including, but
not limited to, the ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas, Sumerians, Greeks, Romans, Hebrews,
Indians, Chinese, and Native Americans have, in the ages before of the existence of science
and advanced technology, recorded encounters related to their origins, often dealing with entities and powers which were beyond the normal comprehension of the society of the time.